Health and wellness is rooted into our Junior School curriculum. We take the PE class rather seriously and the physical development of our students ensures their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. FPS is one of the few schools in the country that follows the American National Standards for Physical Education. PE classes consist of mandatory, structured activities that put emphasis on locomotor skills and bone development of the students. Skills such as stretching, running, dribbling, catching, throwing and striking are taught to students through structured play activities.
Primary School
Health &Wellness

Spark Program
The Spark program, held during school hours, is an integral complement to our Junior School curriculum. The program aims at providing our students with a holistic education, a diverse skill set and lifelong learning skills. Every year, new and exciting courses are added to the program to ensure diversity of thought and the holistic development of our students. Current courses for the Spark program include Fitness 101, STEM,Robotics, Gymnastics and Taekwondo. Students must select one course for the entire academic year.
Literacy Program
One of the distinguished features of our Junior Schools is the prioritization of literacy and moral and ethical values. We offer special reading and literacy programmes to students of Grades 1 and 2 that produce fluent readers, confident speakers and able writers. Many of our in-house publications used at the Junior School, emphasize on the importance of empathy, trust, patriotism, emotional intelligence, sustainability and global citizenship.